The <learningObject> element contains references to the topics that support the specific learning object. All of the reference elements inherit their behavior from the <topicref> element, but the L&T reference element names mirror the names of the topics that they reference.
A <learningObject> element can contain:
An optional <learningPlanRef> element that indicates a learning plan topic.
If you’re using the Learning Object Model, the learning plan topic should contain the needs and gap analysis, along with the approach and strategies for this specific content.
- Any number of <learningOverviewRef> and <learningPreAssessmentRef> elements.
- The <learningOverviewRef> element indicates learning overview topics.
- The <learningPreAssessmentRef> element indicates learning assessment topics that are used as a pre-test or other initial assessment.
- One or more <learningContentRef> elements that indicate the learning content for this learning object.
- Any number of <learningSummaryRef> and <learningPostAssessmentRef> elements.
- The <learningSummaryRef> element indicates learning summary topics.
- The <learningPostAssessmentRef> element indicates learning assessment topics that reinforce the learning or to assess what the student learned.
This is an example learning object from the Feeding Ducks example in your course materials:
<learningObject> <topicmeta> <navtitle>Topic 1</navtitle> </topicmeta> <learningPlanRef href="lp_l1_t1_feed_quality.dita"/> <learningOverviewRef href="lo_l1_t1_feed_quality.dita"/> <learningContentRef href="lc_l1_t1_where_to_buy.dita"/> <learningContentRef href="lc_l1_t1_storage.dita"/> <learningContentRef href="lc_l1_t1_spoiling.dita"/> <learningContentRef href="lc_l1_t1_ingredient_quality.dita"/> <learningSummaryRef href="ls_l1_t1_summary.dita"/> <learningPostAssessmentRef href="lg_l1_t1_quiz.dita" type="learningGroup"/> </learningObject>