The <learningContent> topic type contains the actual learning content.
In a <learningContent> topic, the main element is the <learningContentbody> element. The <learningContentbody> element can contain the following elements:
- <lcIntro>: introduction to the content
- <lcDuration>: estimated time to complete the following content
- <lcObjectives>: what students should gain from the content in the topic
- <lcChallenge>: explaination of what you want the student to practice
- <lcInstruction>: the instructional content
These elements may be followed by an unlimited number of <section> elements.
The <learningContent> topic also allows you to use content from DITA task, concept, and reference topics. You can nest these directly within the <learningContent> topic or add them using a map. We will discuss this in further detail in the <learningContent> lesson, but it means that you can reference content written in standard DITA topics. If you were creating a course from a previously written book, you could reference the existing DITA material to include in your course.