The <learningGroup> element allows you to build a lesson, a course, or even a curriculum by referencing multiple learning objects.
A learning group is similar in structure to a learning object. However, instead of containing references to learning content, the learning group can include:
- Other learning groups
- References to learning groups
- Learning objects
- References to learning objects
Because the <learningGroup> element can contain other <learningGroup> elements, it is flexible. However, its organization can also get quite convoluted. One possible way to reduce the complexity of the <learningGroup> element is to use references to learning groups and learning objects rather than directly including those elements.
Here is an example of a <learningGroup> element with learning topic and object references:
<learningGroup> <topicmeta> <navtitle>Feeders and Waterers</navtitle> </topicmeta> <learningOverviewRef href="lo_l3_feeders_waterers.dita"/> <learningObject> <topicmeta> <navtitle>Feeders and Waterers</navtitle> </topicmeta> <learningOverviewRef href="lo_l3_t1_feeders_waterers.dita"/> <learningContentRef href="lc_l3_t1_height.dita"/> <learningContentRef href="lc_l3_t1_cleanliness.dita"/> <learningContentRef href="lc_l3_t1_ducklings.dita"/> <learningContentRef href="lc_l3_t1_wet_litter.dita"/> <learningSummaryRef href="ls_l3_t1_summary.dita"/> <learningPostAssessmentRef href="lg_l3_t1_quiz.dita" type="learningGroup"/> </learningObject> </learningGroup>